
Midwifery is a medical health profession that focuses on nursing or aiding pregnant women before and after birth, as well as women's reproductive and sexual health throughout their lives. Obstetrics is another name for it. It involves a decrease in the use of epidurals, as well as fewer episiotomies and instrument deliveries. There are increased chances of being cared for in labour by a midwife known to the childbearing woman, as well as increased chances of having a spontaneous vaginal birth and a chance of losing the baby before 24 weeks gestation period, with no apparent differences in the risk of losing the baby after 24 weeks or overall. A midwife's duties and responsibilities include assessing and monitoring pregnant women, doing screening tests, and providing antenatal care in hospitals, homes, and GP practises. Good interpersonal skills are essential for a midwife. It entails being able to interact and communicate with people in a variety of scenarios. It works with patients, their families, and other medical professionals. The primary distinction between doctors and midwives is that midwives manage uncomplicated, normal, and low-risk pregnancy cases, whereas doctors address difficult cases.

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